photo: Big Breakfast Studio

Brookfield Properties

Citrovia Experience Delivered

august 2021

In fall of 2021, The Gathery developed a unique mailed experience to launch Citrovia, a wondrous lemon-inspired interactive garden installation at Manhattan West that beckons visitors to ‘squeeze every moment’ out of their day.

Driven by the destination’s vibrant design and seeped with clever tongue-in-cheek humor, our highly designed gifts aimed to prompt share-ability and drive visits to Manhattan’s latest main squeeze.

To get recipients’ lemon ready, we stimulated their senses with contents inside a contemporary wooden fruit crate with lemon-themed items to tantalize their senses and bring a taste of the destination. Filled with real lemons and samplers of three lemon inspired beverages the charming crate included everything needed to mix-up the perfect summer cocktail.


Brand Strategy and Planning
Creative Direction
Graphic Design
Custom Fabrication and Engineering
Product Development