photo: Matt Teuten

ginkgo ferment


november 2021

In October 2021, Ginkgo Bioworks hosted their annual conference Ferment, bringing together an innovative community to provoke new ways of thinking around biology and  inspire  new connections.  Hosted at the historic Sowa Power Station in Boston, the experience was their largest conference to date.

Constructed as an immersive whimsical playground, where biology was interwoven at every touchpoint, The Gathery used design to excite guests about the intricate and complex universe of genetic engineering. The one-day conference kicked-off with an intimate dinner hosted by Ginkgo’s CEO, Jason Kelly, where top tier executives and talent previewed the experience through a performative evening overlooking the conference space. 

The next day, attending guests enjoyed a curated schedule of educational talks and breakouts. As the day’s programming came to a close, local DJ Philip Tan spun in a larger-than-life protea booth, a mushroom bar served delectable infused cocktails and a theme-park inspired gift shop offered an array of complimentary swag to visitors.

Ferment came together into one living organism – where Ginkgo’s passions, stories and community were brought to life through the power of experience.


Brand Strategy and Planning
Creative Direction
Experiential Design
Art Direction
Graphic Design
Custom Fabrication
Event Management and Production